On November 10 Payfare will announce it's Q3 results.Analysts predict that it will show substantial gains in both active user growth and revenues.But when will it break even?
Payfare is a junior technology company that handles digital payments for the GIG economy.And it has experienced outstanding growth in revenues since 2019 but can revenues grow fast enough to exceed expenses?In other words,will it break even in Q4 of 2022 or Q1 of 2023?Payfare will tell investors on November10 how close they are to break even in Q3.But before this announcement PAY told investors that it's active user growth has increased by 155% over Q3 of 2021.And it's revenues are $12.7 million in Q3.This is up 286% over Q3 2020 and 45% over Q3 2021.Furthermore it is recording a gross profit margin increase of 5% in Q3. It is still difficult to get figures or even estimates on net income for the year.A website called Tradingview estimates that there will be a net loss of more than $10 million for 2022 compared to a net loss of $22 million in 2021.This computes to a loss on average of $2.5 million for each quarter.But this blog sees that revenues will climb every quareter and expenses will be fairly stable.If that is true then PAY will likely only have a small loss in Q4.Payfare may not be close to breakeven for the year but approaching it for Q4.So with continued improvement it may be at breakeven status (or close to it) for the Q1 of 2023.www.appliedproductivity.com
Wednesday, 16 November 2022
Will Payfare break even in Q4 or Q1?
Friday, 28 October 2022
Will Data Communications (DCM) move towards printing or digital assets
Data Communications Management (DCM) has been covered by my blogs on several websites including Wordpress Blogdaleup and Wordpress Econothon II. The pandemic in 2020-2021 hurt DCM's sales of printing and office products.And in 2021 it appeared to this blog as if revenues had plateaued.But revenues have bounced upwards in 2022.For example,revenues in Q2 2022 were ahead by 23% over Q2 2021.This was partly because of some new acquistions made recently such as Informetrica and partly because DCM introduced a new revenue producing product-medical marijuana.And this has allowed DCM to bring new products to market,for example, it brought in $22 million of new business in the form of a single contract.At the same time it reduced it's Q2 operational expenses by 4% or $.5 million.As a result net income increased by 490% over Q2 2021.
Thursday, 4 August 2022
Richelieu Hardware gains from new Acquisitions and Sales in U.S.A.
Yes,the train is just leaving the station as far as Richelieu Hardware is concerned.But 2021was a very active year for Richelieu(RCH).It made 5 acquisitions including 2 in U.S.A.and one of them was a door and window maker in New Brunswick.Consequently Q1 sales were almost 33% higher than in 2021 with a 50% splurge in sales in U.S.A.With this new growth RCH now has a market cap of $2 billion.Not a rival to Canadian Tire yet but it has a good market share in Quebec and Eastern Canada.
Friday, 17 June 2022
Facedrive Reports Q1 loss but Better Financial Metrics
Saturday, 11 June 2022
Ovintiv doubles Cash Flow and Free Cash Flow but net Income drags with Risk Management Losses
Q1 was an unusual quarter for Ovintiv which has it's headquarters in Denver,Colorado. True,it's operating income, cash flow and free cash flow were almost double Q4 in 2021 but it's revenues and earnings (net income) was well below the estimates made by many analysts.The consensus for revenues was $1.97-$2.05 billion and for earnings was at about $2.25-$2.40 per share with some analysts forecasting $2.60-$2.65 per share.Production was lower than estimated because of natural gas and liquids.Oil hit it's target production figure. .Consequently Scotiaitrade reported a net loss for Ovinitiv but other analysts,including Zacks, reported e.p.s. of $1.97-$2.05.Because of the unusual nature of the losses Ovintiv should have reported it as an adjusted net income or loss.An adjusted net loss shows that the losses were due to extraordinary items. According to Scotiaitrade Ovintiv declared large losses due to risk management.Risk management is ususally done by hedging their oil,with traders, at prices higher than market.Consequently hedging or risk management ususally raises not lowers revenues.But in a fast rising oil price sceanario the oil producer could end up by selling oil that has been hedged below the existing market price.However this is an unrealized loss in revenues not an actual one.It appears to this blog that Ovintiv management has mixed together actual losses with unrealized losses.And so this confusing unrealized loss(according to Scotiaitrade) should not be emphasized by investors nor shareholders.
Friday, 15 April 2022
Has Northland Power weathered the Storm?
For part of 2020 and most of 2021 Northland Power has suffered from mild weather in the North Sea and brought earnings down from expected levels.The North Sea is considered by many as having the strongest winds in the world.But during this period the North Sea has not produced strong enough winds to turn the turbines on NPI's 3 large wind farms here.It appears that the trouble is really caused by a minor technical adjustment as the winds,themselves,but it is true that the winds have been more moderate than usual.Some analysts think the new German member of the board will help NPI to adjust to the unusual weather conditions in the North Sea.
Q4 Highlights
NPI produced a very average performance for the year(2021) both in revenues and earnings but performance picked up in Q4 and that augurs well for 2022.NPI points out that although revenues were flat in 2021 that performance from their Spanish and Columbia assets provided a strong contribution to their annual performance.Consequently sales increased by 30% in Q4 over Q4 2020 but only by 2% for all of 2021.Consequently the same pattern followed for adjusted EBITDA.That is, adjusted EBITDA increased by 35% in Q4 to $364 million but decreased by 3% for the year.Similarly net income increased by 383% in Q4 and decreased by 44% for the full year. And Northland Power points out that annual losses would have been greater if not for the offsets by their Colombian and Spanish portfolio.
Future Projects
Northland Power did not point out in this quarterly report that it has major wind farm projects in the system that are almost ready for commercial operations including Hai LongHai Long 2 and Hai Long 3 offshore of Taiwan and a solar project called La Lucha in Mexico. These are mentionned in my blog dated 03/23/2020 on Blogdaleupsome-Blogger. But it surprised shareholders with the news that it has a new Colombian solar project nearing completion and a large- scale offshore project Scotland (2340MW) expected to be commercial in 2029 and 3 more Nordsee projects (1350MW ) expected to be ready for 2026 to 2028.
NPI has just had a good Q4 as measured by all of it's financial indicators.This points to a better trend for 2022 as contributions come in from it's newly acquired assets like Baltic Power.Northland mentions the contribution from it's Spanish and Columbian portfolio but does not mention the status of it's newly acquired Baltic Power in Poland.Neither does it mention the expected contribution from Hai Long 1 and 2.But perhaps it is too early to see a significant contribution from it's Taiwan wind farm.It is clear that the weather has not cooperated with the ususally strong North Sea winds.Perhaps their new board member can help them harvest more power from the existing winds and make the required adjustments to weather the storm.If so then investors can expect a better 2022 than that of 2021.However this blog cannot give a price target until Q1 of 2022 has been examined. https://www.moneysense.ca
Friday, 18 March 2022
Facedrive owes it's Shareholders a Q4 report
On Novembner28 Facedrive released it's Q3 report. The Q4 and annual report was due to be released on February 28.But Facedrive management thought it better to keep the financial figures to themselves.The only message from FD management received was that FD replaced it's CFO.As they agreed with the content of an earlier blog on Wordpress EconothonII dated December 25 that stated operating expenses were overstated and operating revenues were understated.Shareholders may have objected to downplaying the potential of Facedrive and the Facedrive share price.It almostv seems that Facedrive management is trying to make financial matters look worse than they are and keep the share price down.This,of course, is ludicrous as the stated objective of the CEO and the board of directors is to maximize profit and shareholder's equity.This behaviour by management is not doing that.What can the rationale for hiding the performance of Facedrive when it appears to be on an upwards trajectory?
In my Feb.15 2022 blog I predicted that revenues would likely be up to $12 million in Q4.And if management made an attempt to control opertational expenses then e.p.s. could be as high as a loss of ($.02)- ($.03) for Q4 and a loss of ($.27) for 2021.This would be an encouraging sign for shareholders and new inverstors.This could even send the Facedrive share price towards $3.00.Only an extraordinary event could knock FD off this path on the operational side.So why would the CEO not at least provide shareholders with a corporate update explaining why there was no Q4 and annual report?There was no significant event to change the path on the operational side between Q3 and Q4.There were some changes to the share price but that should not affect opertational performance.So the trajectory seen in the first 9 months should provide the best estimate of Q4 results.But shareholders need the CEO to confirm this in a corporate update or the release of Q4 results.