
Tuesday 5 November 2013

a venture into science

In younger days it was commonly thought that the universe was stable and not expanding nor decreasing in size.There have been new instruments such as the Hubble Space Mirror and others that can see further into outer space.Consequently new measurements show that the universe is expanding.One estimate is that it has increased by 14% since "the big bang".The big bang is the start of the universe.Elements that were all packed- in together exploded outwards and apparently kept  going. All now show that the universe measurements have indeed expanded.Galaxies and also our solar system are moving outwards.
This means that  the sun and the planets are moving outwards at different speeds.The smaller bodies(planets) are moving faster than the bodies with larger mass such as the sun.This also means that the earth should be moving towards the sun as it is moving faster than the sun.If this is true then the earth should be heating up more and more.This increase would be much more than the increase in temperature from hydrocarbons. But measurements over the last century show only slight increases of 1 to 2 degrees.This does not support the idea that the earth  is moving slowly or faster towards the sun.The apparent reason that the earth stays in a steady orbit and does not move closer  towards the sun is because of centrifugal forces.That is the force that keeps you on the outside of a spinning wheel as it speeds up.It is almost impossible to move towards the centre.This has some consequences on the climate change theories. 

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