Power Financial has Simpler balance sheet plus Wealthsimple
Power Financial has always been closely connected to Power Corp. and their finances are intermingled.But the wedge is in and now they are becoming more differentiated.For example, Power Financial hasa yield of 5.8% and market cap of $21 billion while Power Corp has a yield of 5.3% and market cap of $13 billion.Yet the biggest contributor to Power Corp.'s net earnings is by far Power Financial.And Power Corp. tells investors that it still owns 65.5% of Power Financial.And now POW tells it's shareholders that it owns 100% of Sagard Holdings and Sagard China which appears to be largely a mutual funds operation.But the big change is that Power Financial shows that it owns 81% of Wealthsimple a very large broker in Europe.As of yet no accounting has been made for it's income contributions to Power Financial.
The Second Quarter
Firstly Power Corp had a very good quarter and the main contributor to this good quarter was of course, Power Financial.PWF had a good quarter mainly because of Great West Life Insurance.Great West Life reported net earnings of $831 million and contributed $562 million to PWF.IGM Financial contributed $121 million and Pargesa Holdings a further $36 million.Total Q2 net earnings were $658 million the highest amount in corporate history.Putnam Investments, another holding, had a very good quarter.PWF had a record high assets under management (AUM).But as already mentioned ther is no mention of income contribution from 81% owned Wealthsimple.This new platform started in Canada but has spread to U.S.A and England.But as of today has only $2 billion in AUM.
Potential Changes
One of the most natural changes is to make the quarterly report more investor-friendly.About the only information on the report is net earnings and the contribution from other companies to it's net earnings.Surely this is a holdover from the days when POW and PWF were so closely intertwined.Not so much information was required.This blog would like to see cash flow and free cash flow and payout ratios.Also the contribution from Wealthsimple is needed.

This blog is surprised to see that POW still owns 65.5 % of PWF.An earlier blog on Workathon showed the ownership at 61%.And frankly had hoped that the ownership would now be down to 55to 59%.This is the greatest use of funds that PWF could have.As POW takes almost 70% of their net earnings.One of my blogs on Blogdaleupsome states that the next best use of funds would be increasing ownership in Great West Life it's greatest contributor of net earnings (see Blogdaleupsome 04/05/2018).Qtrade,a small financial broker,shows that PWF cash flow in 2017 was about $1.7 billion.That will be minus the $800 million paid to POW.This is still a tremenduous amount of cash that can be used to pay down POW ownership in PWF and increase ownership of GWO and also expand investment in Wealthsimple.Power Financial moves slowly and so there will not likely be large changes made in 2018.Look for PWF to stay in a tight range around $30 in 2018 but also look for news about increasing ownership of Great West Life or decreasing ownership from POW. https://www.powerfinancial.com/en/
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