
Friday, 5 April 2013

Mexico-an emerging country

Statistics are hard to get on the right size of the economy but there are estimates of between $1.0 to $1.2 trillion. It is slightly smaller than Canada but it seems to have a larger growth rate.Again good estimates are hard to get but on average the growth rate seems to be between 3.5to 4.5 %.Mexico has a larger population;it is about 100 million .Whereas estimates place the Canadian population at about 37 to 39 million.Not quite a third of the Mexican population.Obviously the income per capita in Canada is larger.Canada has a larger manufacturing and technology sector.Of course, that depends on how you define it.Mexico (under the NAFTA agreement)picked up a lot of assembly plants.This may lead to true manufacturing but proportionately the Canadian manufacturing sector seems larger.A large part of the Mexican economy comes from tourism and agriculture and mining.Mining is substantial in Canada but a big difference is that Canada relies heavily on income from oil and gas.One thing in common is most assuredly the strong bonds that are forged with their common neighbour- The United States.  

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