
Saturday, 29 June 2013


My problems with the deputy minister of Revenue Canada started in 2000.I filled out my income tax and I was only on C.P.P. disability for income.With my credits I should have gotten about $1000 in refunds.I didn't even take all my credits.But I could get no refund for 2000,2001,and2002.I went to an income tax preparer and she offered to give me half of my refund if she got it.She knew the deputy would not give it to me and would give it to her.She was right and I got half of my return for these three years.
Next I got my superannuation going back to 1988 and a return of my pension from Public Work .I had to return my pension and put it in a R.R.S.P. But the deputy will not tell me how to get it nor how much interest it is earning.In fact they will not answer my phone calls nor my e-mails.I can't get my hands on my pension.
I was also supposed to get a second part to my superannuation but the deputy kept it for future income tax payments.I was told that I could not get my second payment in a cheque.A civil servant (who answered the phone )told me that he would give me $20,000 in cash if he could keep my cheque.I declined but I realized again that everyone knows that the deputy will not give me my money.
Lastly in 2008 when I got my superannuation back pay(in a lump sum) I counted it as being paid over 8 years.This is according to Revenue Canada circulars.I also checked with two accountants and they told me that what I did was proper.But Revenue Canada refuses to let me take it over 8 years.They want me to consider it as being paid in one year.This makes my income tax as being three to four times more (including a provincial tax surplus).Once again the deputy will not give my money.

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