
Wednesday 14 August 2013

Google's just great

I started working on blogs about a year ago.The first web site I used was Wordpress.I was getting very few features at that time onWordpress (including little space for my blog).So I started reading a book on starting web sites and it stated that Blogger was the best(and well-priced)web site on the internet; it also mentioned Wordpress as being worthy of my time.Since then I have tried a few other web sites including Simplesite ( a Google website) and got ripped off for $25 and got no service at all.Blogger has indeed been the best site to work with.It's text writing equipment is as easy to work with as Microsoft Word.It has good features.
I also tried using Yahoo for text messaging and it was very unreliable for me .I turned to Google Gmail which had a few problems but easier than the others.I tried using Windows Live Mail and found it contained every message that I had ever sent on any service.It got confusing so I returned to Gmail.
I was not as lucky with Google A nalytics or Google Ad Sense.Here I found neither service responsive to my input.I tried sending a message to Mark Anastasi, a mentor of mine but I couldn't get through so he will just have to read my blog if he wants to find out about my thoughts on Google.But certainly at the first I thought Google was great.

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