
Saturday, 4 May 2013

me and the Canadian judiciary

A previous blog called "Russia the emerging nation" talked about the foibles in both the Russian judiciary and the Canadian judiciary.Another earlier blog talked about specific unprosecuted fiascos in the Canadian  investment industry.In particular,Bre-x,Nortel,Yellow Pages and Conrad Black.The accusation that was made was not the lack of laws covering the investment industry nor the ability of the Candian judiciary.It was that it "appeared" to be a lack of authority and a lack of vigilance by the Canadian judiciary.It appears to be a "wild west" scenario in the Canadian investment industry.There are almost no hearings and any hearings never have any sentences for the participants.There is a "ho -hum" attitude towards investment piccadilos.Maybe next time we'll get them but not this time.

I speak here from personal experience.I had three houses in Cambridge ,Ontario and they were all three taken from me with no consideration given in return.The banks that owned the mortgages improperly evicted me and within six weeks all three were foreclosed on.Three houses that were worth about three hundred and fifty thousand were taken from me and I was given nothing in return.I had hearings and I made motions for the recovery of money "in lieu" of getting my houses back.I asked for about $700,000 because   the emotional damage from being evicted had to be worth something.However I could have only gotten $360,000 from the judge after the judge's deliberations.Instead three separate judges from the illustrious Canadian judiciary ruled that my actions were frivolous and forced me to pay another $10,000 to the court for wasting the courts time.This I take as another scene in a "wild west"Canadian judiciary play. 

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