
Wednesday 1 May 2013

the Canadian judiciary

An earlier blog called "Russia the emerging nation" talked about the Russian judiciary and improvements that must be made.It also discussed foibles of the Canadian judiciary.Mention was made of the lack of prosecution in Canadian investment scandals.Since I have not had access to transcripts on these files I cannot properly assess the merits of defenses to these various hearings.Included here would be Bre-x, Nortel,Conrad Black and others.I also feel that when there is tremenduous and dramatic changes in price of a stock or commodity that a hearing should be called for.That would include Yellow Pages and the recent drop in the price of gold.You have to believe that some investors made lots of money on short-selling.Did the short-sellers help to drive the price down in both latter cases?The Canadian judiciary may be judicially proper but they appear to be lacking authority or at least vigilance.

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